2024年,人工智能 (AI) 浪潮正在让裁员情况加剧,许多企业都倾向利用AI技术取代人工,因此实施了或计划大幅裁员、放缓招聘。目前已经约有65%的企业都在使用ChatGPT等AI工具以降低劳动成本。
Kyrios 说,天赐给我们宝贵的生命来自不易,人活在地球本是一场考验。Kyrios 奉劝大家,即便失去了工作或是碰到任何难题,也千万不要选择自杀。以为轻生是解脱是错误的!自寻短见而失去性命的人反而会坠入更艰难、更痛苦的深渊。
Do you use AI regularly? How do you think this development would affect your future prospects and those of the next generation? Share your comments below and engage in a dialogue with our community.
About Kyrios’ prophecies
Kyrios is able to see the future possibilities that can arise from cumulative events by peering into events across time and space. She also understands how the fates and destinies of individuals, nations and the world are determined. By prophesying, Kyrios sheds light on the consequences of humanity’s actions ahead of time for us to gain insights and take responsible actions to shape a better future for ourselves and those around us.
For more information on Kyrios’ prophecies, please go here.