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Kyrios Insights On Donald Trump, And How We Should Choose Good Country Leaders

Source: AP Photo

(Republished on 18 August 2024 from Kyrios Facebook page, with edits for clarity.)

As early as 15 August 2018, when Donald Trump was about one and a half years into his presidency, Kyrios prophesied that he will step down. A few months later on 5 January 2019, Kyrios reaffirmed that Donald Trump will not be re-elected in 2020.

Subsequently on 13 April 2020, Kyrios also prophesied that it will be difficult for Trump to avoid legal proceedings and a jail sentence.

Kyrios also added that at that time, Trump will feign being mentally unsound to escape being found guilty of his crimes.

August 2024 Prophecy Update

Kyrios’ prophecy from two years back that Trump will not become President was finally fulfilled on 3 November 2020 when Donald Trump lost the election to Joe Biden in the United States 2020 election!

On 31 May 2024, Donald Trump was found guilty, becoming the first former American president to be convicted of felony crimes, in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment to a porn actor. As of August 2024, Trump still has three other felony indictments.

Kyrios On Donald Trump’s Conduct And Character

Trump is an extremely arrogant and prideful man. He often exaggerates his contributions and relishes in such complacency. He always places his interests above that of the country’s and uses his authorities to further his gains. He is selfish and delights at the sight of wealth. He pays courtesy to those in power but despises the underprivileged, and he possesses a severe propensity for racial discrimination.

Trump revels in abusing his power. To be reelected for a second presidential term, he deliberately provoked racial conflicts in his own country. To that extent, he completely neglects the lives of the people, breaks the law with impunity, obstructs justice, undermines civil rights, and subverts the established democratic system.

Source: Trump blames radical "outsiders" for US violence. DW. (2020, May 31). Image: picture-alliance/AP Photo/J. Cortez

Trump has a penchant for boasting and making a fool of others. He habitually humiliates others, causing them to feel greatly embarrassed and insulted. He harasses and woos ladies, but does not possess even a sliver of respect for them. An expert at enjoying life, he likes to sing and dance.

As someone obsessed with stroking his own ego, he frequently employs misleading and deceptive arguments to twist facts in order to win, and he does not even bat an eyelid when uttering a string of lies. He is the prime example of a two-faced person who is extremely jealous in nature and suspicious of others. Time and again, he sows discord and raises tensions among nations, scheming for other nations to wage war against one another, so as to profit from war and its chaos.

Not only is Trump an irresponsible person, he is also someone who will push the blame on other people or even countries, to shirk responsibilities the instant problematic situations arise. He does not have the bearing of a leader, let alone one of a nation. Instead, he acts like a hooligan.

Under the leadership of such a cold-hearted, apathetic, and unpredictable president who does not care about the lives of his people, not only will it lead the United States of America, a world superpower, to experience a severe economic recession, its position in the international geopolitical scene will also deteriorate. Social tensions and violence will escalate, bringing about many disasters and misfortunes upon the United States. The majority of Americans will be plunged into a life of constant peril, experiencing unspeakable sufferings.

Source: Coronavirus To America: You Need To Up Your Pandemic Game. Forbes. (2020, May 17). Image: Getty Images

As of 30 June 2020, 126,203 American lives have perished due to the COVID-19 virus, and 2,537,636 Americans have been infected. Despite the pandemic worsening, Trump maintains his old ways, insisting on not quarantining or wearing masks and continues to utter nonsense to deceive the public.

Looking at the situation from a positive angle, the COVID-19 pandemic teaches people to see how nefarious and dangerous a person’s heart can be. Right now, everyone can clearly see that the majority of Americans have unfortunately chosen a selfish and corrupt president to lead the country. This president cares more about his self-interests than the livelihoods and lives of his countryman.

Source: 'Thank you, God': Trump revels in reign as absolute king of CPAC. The Guardian. (2020, Feb 29). Image: Erik S Lesser/EPA

Choose A Wise Leader That Cares For You

We must learn from this lesson: REALISE❗Be CONSCIOUS❗️And AWAKEN❗️ Everyone must open their eyes and see clearly whether the government and leader they choose is indeed a good one or not.

Does the leader whom you have chosen possess the correct worldview? Will the leader create tensions and start or provoke a world war? Or will the leader foster peace and harmony with other nations to prosper together, based on the idea of a shared global community with a common destiny? Will the leader cherish all life on Earth and join hands with other countries to solve global warming?

Source: Getty Images

Will the chosen government be truly concerned about its citizens, treat them with respect, diligently listen to their feedback, and value their precious lives? Can the government administer justice impartially and equally regardless of race? Can it fulfill its promises, improve citizens’ livelihoods, provide good jobs and career opportunities, and make the country strong and prosperous?

For the sake of ourselves, our families, and our next generation, we must exercise care in electing a good government that genuinely cares for its people. Only then, can we lead a life of peace, security and bliss.