Newsroom | health and well-being

Testimonial by Albert Lim - Relief from heart pain

(Script has been edited for clarity)

Hi, I’m Albert Lim. I know Kyrios for 21 years through my sister-in-law. During this time, I have attended many Kyrios’ sharing sessions. I have seen how she healed people, either in person or through the phone.

During one of the sharing sessions, Kyrios told me that I have a blocked artery. I was surprised and taken aback. How would she know? Can she see? The following week, I went for my medical checkup. The doctor told me that I had a blocked artery; I needed to go for angioplasty surgery.

Kyrios is willing to help anybody. She is full of compassion, loving kindness. And when she helps, she doesn’t ask for any money or any donation. I would like to share with you an incident:

In early March, while I was watching my 9.30 p.m. news, my back and my chest was painful. It’s not a normal pain. The first thing that came into my mind was Kyrios. I took my phone and called Kyrios. She answered, and she said she was on her way to JB from KL in a car. Then, asked me what happened. I told her about it. She asked me to place my phone near my ear and close my eyes, and then she started healing. While she was doing that, I felt that my body was warm, and I continued listening to her.

When she finished, she asked me how I felt. I told her that I was more comfortable–no pain, and I thanked her. She put down the phone. A short while later, the pain came back. This time it was not a normal pain. It was more painful. I quickly got my phone and called her again. She asked me to place my phone near my ears and close my eyes, and then she started healing me. While she was doing that, I felt my stomach churning. I quickly went to the toilet and vomited. Vomited many times. After that, I walked to my seat, feeling tired.

When Kyrios finished the healing, she asked me, ‘How?’

I told her I vomited many times and that I felt a lot more comfortable then. No more pain. I thanked her. She put down the phone. I went to bed.

The next morning when I got up, I felt normal. Everything was back to normal as though nothing had happened. At 9 a.m., I called Kyrios to tell her about my condition. She was very glad and happy. She told me that the night before, she did not have a good sleep, worried that my pain may come back in the middle of the night. I thanked her for care and concern for me.

Kyrios is a person whom I respect and feel comfortable with. Over the years, she has guided me to practise good cultivation, go meatless, and do all those things that everyone of us should do, which is to practise cultivation: be loving kindness, have loving kindness, and being compassionate to people.

I thank Kyrios for looking after me for all these years. And I’m so glad I know her for all these years, and I am grateful to her. Thank you, Kyrios. Gratitude.

Thank you.