Newsroom | health and well-being

Testimonial by Rachel - Baby's recovery from ventricular septal defect "hole-in-the-heart"

(Script has been edited for clarity)

Hi everyone. I‘m Rachel. I was introduced to Kyrios in March 2019, and back then I was in the first trimester of my pregnancy.

In September 2019, my son, Justin, was born, and unfortunately, in his first week of birth, he was diagnosed with VSD; medical term wise, it’s known as ventricular septal defect, and in layman’s term it just means that he has a hole in his heart. Unfortunately, he doesn’t just has one hole in his heart—he actually has 2 holes in his heart. And the one that is more serious is the one that is in the medium septum, which is in the wall—the muscular wall—that is separating the left side of the heart from the right side of the heart.

And the… its worrying for us because firstly, with his hmmm… so called pre-existing medical conditions, we can’t get any insurance coverage. So, if he needs operation, then it will be really costly. So, the doctor told us that since the hole is in a region where that… where is surrounded by muscles, then he would like to observe how the muscle will grow over the course of the year hmm the months as, hmmm… Justin grows older.

So as new parents, we were very concerned, and I shared my worries with Huang Ying. And she mentioned to me that Kyrios has prior experience in healing babies and toddlers, and even adults who has—who have—hole in their hearts. So, we decided to try every avenue out there and we seek—decided to seek—treatment with Kyrios, and thankfully Kyrios agreed to heal Justin. So, in our first telephone conversation, Kyrios actually used her abilities and her powers to channel an energy ball into Justin’s heart.

So, when Justin turned one month old, we went for the second review. And the doctor was glad to see that the holes in his heart actually closed by about 20 to 25 percent. The doctor feels that we can continue to be conservative with—in—our approach and continue to monitor him down the road. But however, if the… if there is still no sign—further signs of—hmm… closing of the holes, then we may have to consider surgical interferences or interventions. So, with his advice, we decided to continue to seek treatment with Kyrios.

And true enough, when Justin turns six months old, February, we went to—late, February we went to—see the doctor again for the third review. And this time round, the holes in his heart actually closed significantly by 50 to 57 percent. And such numbers were very encouraging. Hence, the doctor told us that he doesn’t require any form of surgery, hmm… And that was when he was only six months old. So, he says that we can continue to monitor until he turns one. And hopefully by then, hmmm… you know, things may get better.

From six months to when Justin turns one, we continue to seek treatment with Kyrios. And the good news was when Justin turns one, the hole in his heart has finally healed completely, and the doctor discharged him of VSD. Till today, we are very grateful and thankful to Kyrios for extending her help to us because she really used the energy within her to heal Justin. And I firmly believe that Kyrios has played a very important role in healing our son.

Kyrios has always been a very caring and concerns, and kind individual. And she always reminded people around her to do good, to avoid all the sins like greed, jealousy, vanity. And one of the most important messages that she has been trying to teach us is to avoid consuming meat.

So, with her influence, she has changed me as well, and I’m currently a vegan for about close to 5 months. And I think it was a drastic change. It’s not as if I did it one step at a time—I decided to do it overnight. And I believe that it’s possible because there are many sources of plant protein out there. So, I highly and strongly encourage all of you out there to, hmmm… try to be a vegetarian. You don’t even have to be trying that hard. You just have to make a more conscious decision on the kind of food that you want to consume, or the kind of nutrients you want to feed your body.

And I hope that with this video, I can try to encourage some of you to at least practice being a vegetarian for a few days in a month and see how that helps you with your health and your well-being. And I think going on being a vegan: it actually helps to save the animals and also helps to conserve the resources that we have on Earth, and make the Earth a better place for our future generation. Finally, I want to say thank you to Kyrios for doing such a great job or, ermm… such a great favor for Justin.

Thank you. Bye-bye.